
“Solo” Membership
Enrollment in any one course
Access to rehearsal space

“Duo” Membership
Enrollment in any two courses
Access to rehearsal space

Prices subject to change

“Trio” Membership
Enrollment in any three courses
Access to rehearsal space

“Quartet” Membership
Enrollment in any four courses
Access to rehearsal space

Build your membership with these courses:

Half-hour weekly lessons
(or combine two to make an hour lesson)

Performing Ensemble or Other Course

Woodshed Workshop

Discounts and Scholarships

Family Discount
Multiple memberships within one family household gain a total 10% discount.

Referral Discount
Any member who successfully refers a new student to us (resulting in a new membership from outside of their household) will receive a $100 discount on one month of their own membership. (Limit of three times per session: the discount for any new membership from multiple referrals will be split among those referring members.)

Richard Davis Scholarship
Any student who successfully auditions for the Richard Davis Ensemble is awarded a free Duo Membership, for that ensemble plus Woodshed Workshop enrollment. They may then upgrade to a Trio Membership for $100/month, or a Quartet Membership for $200/month.

These scholarships are contingent on continuation in good standing in the Richard Davis Ensemble, and end when the ensemble closes for the season.

Scholarships may be combined, but they have no cash value and can not bring the cost of any membership below $0.

Scholarships and discounts are subject to change without notice.